Own Your Algorithm: How to Support Business Growth Without Social Media

social media

This month, we saw a lot of changes happening in the landscape of social media. And it wasn’t, as you know, all about the algorithm. This time, it had to do with social media companies changing the rules, a temporary shut down and a lot of uncertainty as to whether we would have certain platforms to use.  

Also consider the number of times in the last six months you’ve heard health and wellness experts encourage people to rethink social media usage. There seems to be a general theme that it’s become an UNSOCIAL place that can negatively impact both productivity and mental health. We don’t think that’s going away. And in that vein, we are going back to basics here at P&A.  

Social media’s reliability is waning. What does this mean for your business? 

It’s safe to say that dumping marketing dollars solely into social media this year is not a great idea. (Honestly, it’s NEVER been a great idea, and we’ve always cautioned our clients about that.) When you consider algorithms as well as the changing economy, business owners as users have too little control to hand over a chunk of their budget.  

Yes, social media is an excellent tool. Yes, it gets you in front of a whole bunch of people who normally may not see your brand. Yes, we will continue to use it well. But let’s also gives some props to more traditional (and less easily influenced) methods of marketing such as direct mail, email campaigns, print advertising, PR, TV, radio and more.  

What should you do instead? 

Let’s pivot. Own your algorithm. Your website is a vital tool for your business, so make sure you are giving it some love this year. Check on your SEO and make sure to create plenty of original content. Blogs, case studies, white papers! News releases and earned media maximize your organization’s reach as well as add a level of credibility. These can, then, be shared as content on your site as well. Repurposing content is something we will talk about in the upcoming months, and it is a great way to save your team time and money! 

Building your email database will become a vital component of your brand’s longevity in the coming years. We never know which social media platforms will maintain popularity and users will come and go (and may get off social all together, as we are seeing now). But you know what people DON’T plan to stop checking? EMAIL. An email list will have you in their inbox with relevant content no matter what is happening elsewhere. 

Customer relations will also become even more important than ever before. If you have not invested in a CRM system, now is the time. CRM software stores all customer information in one place, which can help you analyze interactions with clients and potential customers. You can improve existing relationships, track sales activities and ultimately drive revenue using quality leads. CRM, and all of these functions, are vital to any strategic marketing plan. 

Feeling worried about what all of this means for your 2025 business marketing plan? 

We get it! Curve balls aren’t fun, even for pro baseball players. And no business owner wants to watch revenue decline because marketing strategies that used to work are no longer reliable. The good news? We are here to help you. We have been creating effective, strategic marketing plans for clients since before social media became a thing. Since launching in 2010, we have always been a “communications agency”; we put value on the written word for ALL channels. We make it our business (literally) to clearly communicate your organization’s unique value whether that be in a 240-word social media post or a 2400-word magazine article.  

Just because the world of social media algorithms has become uncertain, that doesn’t mean you won’t reach even more people this year. We can help you create original content that will not only get you in front of your target market but will help you gain their trust and loyalty. How about that for a great 2025? 

3 Quick Tips for Creating Messaging That Your Target Market Will Love

Regardless of your industry, the name of the game is always reaching your target audience. Without them, there is no product or service, no sales, no business. Even though we all know and understand how important this is, most small businesses that come to us are confused about how to reach their target market and convert them to customers. It might not require a degree in neuroscience, but it DOES require time … something many entrepreneurs are short on.  

That is why we are sharing some quick tips to guide you in reaching your target market. 

Now, it isn’t all fun and games … real target market research takes time and, like we said, you might not have a lot of it. That is when it is helpful to outsource your marketing. Handing it over to a team of pros will not only save you money but will help you be more effective in turning your target demographic into loyal customers.  

But, if you want a few tips to help you get started, here are some of our go-to’s: 

Know your tools 

Email campaigns, videos, social media, paid digital or traditional advertising … there are many ways to reach your target market, with more and more tools added all the time. But none of them will matter if the people you are trying to talk to aren’t paying attention. The first step of reaching your target market with effective messaging is knowing where they are getting their news/entertainment/ads in the first place. An email campaign might be great for one demographic, but lousy for another, so do your research to find out where your customers are hanging out.  

Understand target market segments 

You can lump your target market into one group for some things, but when it comes to messaging, you need to understand the various segments you are trying to reach. Depending on your industry, you may have people of all ages, or maybe you are pretty specific to Baby Boomers or Gen Z. You will need to create appropriate messaging and marketing for each segment and really tailor it so they feel seen and understood. 

Cultivate consistency 

Reaching your target market is a slow and steady process. Don’t expect to go viral. Don’t expect a windfall of new business overnight. Instead, keep your sights on the horizon and build your messaging slowly and steadily, always keeping your brand’s identity at the forefront. Make sure you are consistent with putting content out for your target audience to see. Whether you are using social media or other marketing, you may even want to create a calendar so you can plan in advance.  

Measure, measure, measure 

Want to get great results? Make use of measuring the data. Check out the metrics behind your social feeds, newsletter opens, etc. This is something we do for every client … data doesn’t lie, and if a target audience doesn’t respond to something consistently, you know it is time to move on. (This is why marketing professors regularly preach, “The evaluation is the most important piece of the plan.”) 

In our experience, doing the research to understand a target market is where most businesses get hung up. They either lack the time, skill or knowledge that it takes to get down to the nitty gritty. And that is okay … it is work that isn’t in everyone’s wheelhouse, BUT IT IS MOST DEFINITELY IN OURS. Contact us by using this form and letting us know what you need help with for your 2025 business year.  

Which Marketing Tactics Are Right for Your Business?

If you have ever watched a basketball or football game, you know that certain plays are reserved for certain times. A coach won’t tell the quarter back to run the same play over and over again. Instead, they need to understand the other team and figure out what will work best. The same is true about the marketing tactics you want to use to score the winning goal for your business.  

Don’t invest energy and resources into too many marketing tactics 

To score that winning goal, you need to be focused. That means being picky about which marketing tactics you decide to invest in. When clients come to us ready to put thousands of dollars into an email campaign, influencers, social media ads and the like, we hit the “PAUSE” button, take a breath and ask this important question: “What does your target market want?” 

The most successful entrepreneurs ask themselves this question before every big decision. Afterall, you don’t want to blindly feel around for your target market amidst the growing ocean of consumers. (Or at least we hope not.) It is vital to understand your target market inside and out, which means where they are hanging out on the internet and what they are likely to engage with, before investing any more of your hard-earned cash.  

The detail-oriented process most business owners despise 

Let’s face it … target market research isn’t fun for about 90% of the population. If you find it satisfying, then hats off to you! (We do too, so we are there with you!) For others, it feels overwhelming and complicated and downright impossible to pin down their customers. It takes diligence and, honestly, a time commitment that is difficult for anyone trying to start or grow a business.  

We can help you! Contact us to get help creating your 2025 strategic plan, including market research, ideas about tactics that will work for you and more! 

The good news? There are a few “hacks” that can help you discover a ton of info about your target market and, therefore, which marketing tactics will work best to get you in front of your audience:  

  • Analyze your current customers by reading the measurable data on the back end of your website, social media channels and more 
  • Conduct focus groups with existing customers 
  • Check out the competition 
  • Consider your brand: who you want to serve, who would benefit from your product or service and who your brand speaks to 

From there, you can create a character or persona on paper, someone who encompasses your target market. Once you have an idea of who you want to reach, you can have a better understanding about which marketing tactic will work to help you reach your specific goal. Start with one focused tactic and you will find much better results. 

A word about channels vs. tactics

Wait! We aren’t done yet! Before you and your marketing team run off into the sunset, remember that there is a big difference between marketing channels and marketing tactics. Both are important but they will give you different results.  

A marketing channel refers to the different tools or methods you use to reach your audience, such as social media, websites, emails, etc.  

A marketing tactic is a carefully planned action to achieve a specific goal.   

Your chosen tactic helps you create channel experiences for your target market. For instance, social media is a huge channel that most businesses and consumers are using; your channel choice is determined by the demographic-/socio-profile of your target audience. (i.e., if you’re trying to reach a “Boomer,” you’d likely use Facebook and not TikTok or X.) A successful tactic for a social media channel, (also depending on your audience) might be forming a collaboration with another influencer or business. Or maybe your audience would respond well to you hosting webinar to answer questions or give information. Certain target markets engage well with video, so maybe it is time to sink your teeth into reels, stories or live casts.  

The options abound, which is part of the problem for many business owners. Still need help settling on the best tactics for your target market? Contact us to learn more about how outsourcing your market research and campaigns will help you successfully reach your business goals in 2025 and beyond.  

Goal Setting: Make it SMART

We use goal setting in business and in life to help guide us toward accomplishing all that our little heart’s desire. By being intentional about our goals, we give them even more power to lead the way. What you focus on matters and hitching your wagon to something S.M.A.R.T. will bring you even more prosperity and success in 2025!   

How are you at goal setting? 

Do you feel like you are swimming in a sea of possibilities, and you just can’t figure out which way to go? Setting goals will help you focus your energy on one or a few things instead of letting it leak out all over the place. And, as an entrepreneur, your energy is a precious resource that you don’t want to waste.  

But setting goals can also feel insurmountable, which is why we are here to help you! Outsourcing your marketing means not only getting shiny new logos or driving your target market to your website. It also (and perhaps more importantly) means getting help settling on those measurable objectives that you want to put into action. In other words, we are here to (gently and kindly) keep you focused.  

We will help you get S.M.A.R.T. 

SMART goal setting was a concept outlined by George Doran in 1981. He knew that goals needed to be intentional and articulated well for them to work. We agree whole heartedly with this thinking and have found on our journey with many clients that when people put their goals to work for them, they can accomplish anything. Here is everything you need to know about setting SMART goals: 

Make it Specific 

Don’t be vague. Figure out exactly what you want and speak it out loud. This will be your North Star when things slide off track (as they ALWAYS do). If you have an excellent team behind you, being specific will also help you to communicate with them about the WHY behind your plan. With everyone on the same page, you will be off to a great start! 

Make is Measurable 

How will you know you have been successful if there is no measuring stick? In this step, define what success looks like with your specific goal in mind. Use words like increase, decrease or maintain. You can also use percentages and numbers, especially if you are talking about customers or profits.  

Make it Achievable 

There is a sweet spot in goal setting, where you are challenging yourself and your team but also within reason. Putting something too high out of reach makes it easy to give up. But just beyond the fingertips? That will leave you trying your best to get it in your grasp. Get out the record books on this one and find out what your business history looks like and what is attainable.  

Make it  Relevant 

Your goal needs to be worthwhile and, perhaps more importantly, it needs to feel relevant to YOU and your team. Ask yourself what the outcome will be once you accomplish your goal and if the answer is something that feel relevant, then go for it! 

Make it Timely 

Every good goal has a beginning and an end. Make sure you have an end date in mind so that you are more likely to work toward making it happen. Quarterly goals are a great place to start! 

Goals are important, but the way you go about it matters. Make sure to use this SMART formula as you dive into your 2025 planning!  

Need more help figuring out which goals make the most sense for your business growth? We offer strategic marketing services that are individualized for each client. If you need help setting your measurable objectives and goals, connect with us!  

The Style Problem: What to Layer Over a Dress

Featuring Your Biz Squad (Style) Professional, Stephanie Grabow

In the Midwest, some fall afternoons still feel like summer. When it’s 82 degrees at 3 pm, no one is thinking about tartan plaids and suede boots.

So, let’s talk about the topic that got the biggest response from the regular readers of my weekly email. (If you want to get on the list, you can sign up here.)

“Style Warning: Throwing your old denim jacket over your cute lightweight dress is killing your look. It weighs the outfit down, changes the character and dates your look solidly in 2015.”

I dropped that nugget in last week’s email, and I heard from three different people that I left them in a puzzle with no way out. Oops! 

The problem: It’s hotter than Hades outside and inside, the air conditioner is so cold your fingers are turning blue. Add fluctuating hormones to the mix, and you don’t know what to wear to cover all of the possible temperature configurations you’re going to encounter in your day.

And yet, you still want your look to feel modern and fresh.

So what should you wear instead? And why am I sooooo anti-your-old-denim-jacket -layered-over-dresses?

3 Reasons to Not Wear Your Denim Jacket Over Your Dress

  1. The look feels outdated. Think about the first time you wore a denim jacket over a dress. Was it more than five years ago? More than 15 years ago? More than 25 years ago? Yep. We’ve been rocking that style for decades, and she is tired. Let her get some rest.
  2. If you’ve been wearing the same denim jacket for five years, you may not recognize that silhouettes have changed, and your 2019 jacket feels dated. 2024 jackets range from short and shrunken to boxy work jackets, but they don’t look like they did even three years ago.
  3. When you layer anything over your dress, you change the line and proportions of your outfit. If the silhouette of your jacket doesn’t complement the lines of your dress, then it all starts to look frumpy. And no one is doing frumpy on my watch.🙅


What to Wear Instead of Your Denim Jacket

  1. A Top Coat—A top coat can be a trench coat, a duster, or a faux leather long coat. All of these options give sophistication and movement to your outfit while making the lines of your outfit feel longer and making you look taller. And, a top coat works over mini, midi, and maxi-length dresses.
  2. Sweater or knit blazer—Think of this as a step above an old white cardigan. Knit blazers provide structure without feeling constraining or stuffy. When choosing a sweater, think about linen, cotton, or lightweight cashmere to complement your outfit. Plus, when you don’t want to wear it, you can drape it over your shoulders for a chic, relaxed flair.
  3. Wraps—A beautiful wrap is the easiest way to keep a lightweight layer with you at all times. You can swaddle yourself in one if you’re cold, or roll it up and tuck it into your bag when you’re warm. They take up very little space and are so easy to manage. Plus, they come in a range of fabrics, including sheer linens, elegant cashmere, and metallics for eveningwear.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by too many options, choose one piece and wear it several times to figure out how it works for you. Then, when you’re ready, you can add another to your collection. Soon, you’ll have an array of great outfit finishers that you feel confident and comfortable wearing. 

And you can save your denim jacket to wear with your Canadian tuxedo, or what the style watchers are now calling Denim x Denim.

You will rock that look!

Always cheering you on-


Stephanie Grabow is the Founder and CEO of Stephanie Grabow Style+ and SG Style Collective. She is a style coach for female entrepreneurs and leaders, a speaker and a curator of beautiful things. It is her goal to make nailing your look the easiest 10 minutes of your day. Follow her at stephaniegcabowstyle.com.

Avoid Junk In and Junk Out … Quality Data Drives a Good Plan

quality data

We are coming to the end of Q3 now, and we want to know: What is the data telling you? Have you assessed how things are going so far? Do you have your sights set on a successful 2025? Does even thinking about this give you hives? If so, bear with us (and remember that we are here if you need us).  

Quality data matters in your overall strategic plan 

Here at P&A, we have always been fans of monthly reports. And it isn’t only for the sake of showing our clients that strategic marketing WORKS. We also love reports because they can help our clients track their progress to make sure they are hitting their business goals and continuing to engage with their target market. 

What does quality data look like? 

You can’t rely on guesswork anymore. In today’s world you must embrace the power of quality data. Here are some tips and practices for keeping your data high quality and useable for the future of your business: 

  1. Know what data is relevant to you. To do this, you will need to know your business goals and what metrics you are most interested in following.  
  2. Centralize your marketing data and use an online tool or software if necessary to make it easier for your team. 
  3. Make it consistent by standardizing your data.  
  4. Continuously monitor your data so you can pivot and make changes in real time. 
  5. Regularly spot check your data or assign a team member to do so. This will help defend against one of the enemies of quality data: human error. 
  6. Keep management in check with standardized practices that are understood across your whole team.  

Make it a weekly or monthly habit to gather and measure data 

Procrastination doesn’t pay, and that remains true with data gathering. Make a date with your data, gather it weekly or monthly and make sure that your business is staying on track. One reason why we stress this with our clients is because it makes everything you do more effective. If you keep your eye on the numbers (and the prize at the end) you will be able to align your strategic plan over and over as the year progresses.  

Does all of this talk about research and data gathering leave your head spinning? As a strategic marketing firm, we love data. In fact, it is one of the best ways to tell if we are hitting the nail on the head when we are working with clients. We use measurable results to show our clients their ROI and lead them in a more intentional brand-building strategy.  

Want us to help you measure up? Contact us today to learn about our services, Entrepreneurial Pathway Program and more!  

Yes, You Need Market Research

market research

Which high school student were you: the one who diligently completed all the research and wrote impeccable papers (with the bibliography neatly stapled to the back) or the one who threw something together out of thin air (with no sources whatsoever)? Chances are you were somewhere in the middle, slogging through the research and just trying to get it over with. Straight “A” student or not, as a small business owner, you will need to up your research game if you are going to have a real shot at reaching your target market! 

Research is important not just for the sake of being able to list your target market’s qualities, but rather to uncover their needs, desires and habits. Along with deeper knowledge of your customers, you will also have a better understanding of your competition and where they stand.  

Thorough market research is an important investment for your small business 

The world is changing quickly and it can be felt in many small businesses as they rush to keep up with competitors and an evolving landscape of social media, marketing and customer demands. Some may feel that market research is useless because things are changing so quickly. However, what we have found in many years of working with clients (and through a vast number of changes) is that market research is more than just another marketing expense.  

If you treat good market research as a priority, it will give your business legs to stand on when everything else feels wobbly. 

Why, you might ask? 

As you come to understand your target market more intimately (as well as your competition), you will also see trends in how they behave, what they like, where they hang out online and more. These patterns will give you a deeper understanding of which technological changes to embrace and which ones to let fall to the wayside. Not only that, basing your brand’s mission, values and voice on a message that resonates clearly with your target market will give THEM something to hold on to when the waters feel choppy.  

With better market research, you will be able to assess the effectiveness of your brand’s message and marketing campaigns and reach your target market with more ease. And if something makes life easier as a small business owner, we say EMBRACE IT! 

Here are some tips: 

  • Nail down your target market. Understand them so much that you can write a detailed profile, including age, likes, dislikes, habits and more. 
  • Assess your competition to find your position in the market, your competitive advantages and disadvantages and learn from your competitors’ successes and failures. 
  • Perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of your business 

For many of our clients, and surely most small business owners, market research can feel like an utter time suck. Although it is an important part of your brand’s longevity, you can still outsource this to people like us. We were the students with impeccably written research papers (with biblios neatly stapled to the back of course), and we would be happy to help you dive in to your market research!  

Head here for more about what we can do to help your small business THRIVE.  

Be the Hostess with the Mostest: Event Planning Strategies That WON’T Give You A Headache

Event planning is a great way to engage with your target market and boost your business. But it also takes work. And, if you are like most of the business owners we know, you already have a lot on your plate (maybe it even feels like it is spinning above your head and getting ready to eject its contents). Here are some simple strategies to help your event planning come a bit easier! 

How did you know we would talk about strategic planning? 

One of the most important parts of planning an event is to make sure you are doing it intentionally, i.e. in line with your strategic plan. Your WHY for your business must be involved in the event planning fun, otherwise it might be a big old flop. The first question to ask yourself is: 

What are you hoping to achieve from this event? 

If you are a non-profit, are you hoping to raise funds for a certain project? As a for-profit business, do you want to get the word out about your brand? Are you trying to throw a shindig for loyal customers to help retention? Getting down to the nuts and bolts of why you want to play hostess will help you to deliver a clear and concise message.  

Once you and your team have an understanding about what you want to achieve, you need to decide on your target audience and set a realistic budget. These can take a lot of time and effort, but they make up the foundation of the rest of your event planning.  

Now that the hard part is over… 

Now you can start to focus on some of the more fun details of your event: format, scheduling, location, dates, times, attendees, theme, etc. Interactive events may be more successful than ones that require a lot of sitting and listening, but that will also depend on your target market and what you are hoping to accomplish. Some types of events we have enjoyed hosting in the past include: 

  • Happy hours 
  • Awards shows 
  • Golf outings 
  • Fundraising events 
  • Luncheons 
  • Sponsorship events 
  • Festivals and more 

Let your strategic plan guide the way and you will find that things fall into place.  

When and why should you outsource? 

If reading the last paragraph leaves your head spinning, then you know it’s time to outsource your event planning.  

Outsourcing comes with huge benefits, including access to professionals who specialize in strategic event planning, promotion and execution. It would be a bad business move to spend your budget (and valuable time) on an event that hasn’t been promoted properly and doesn’t end up boosting your business or brand. 

When you outsource to an agency, such as P&A, your team also gets their time freed up to run the business as usual, even as the event itself is in the works. This creates less stress in the workplace and a happier crew, which in turn makes your job as the boss a whole lot easier. 

Many people think that outsourcing for events or other marketing costs more money, but in reality, it saves you big time. Using professionals with industry knowledge means you have the inside scoop on how to get the most bang for your buck. Otherwise, you might fall into the trappings of hidden fees and add-in costs. When you are a small business, sticking to your budget means you have a better bottom line.  

A good event host or hostess knows their “why” and executes with a clear and strategic plan. Outsourcing is a great way to keep it neat and tidy for your team. Want to chat more about events and how we can help turn yours into a success? Just head on over to our website’s Contact Us page.  


How You Know You Need a New Website

Need a new website

The signs are popping up all around you. You start to feel like things are slowing down with your business, and you can’t quite put a finger on it. You hate going on your website because it looks outdated. You start to wonder if you need a new website or just a vacation.  

You need a new website 

If any of the above have been happening to you, it is probably time to consider updating your website or doing a complete overhaul. In today’s world, where things seem to be moving at hyper speed, websites go out of date quickly. That isn’t to say that brands don’t have staying power. Rather, we need to keep up with our consumers if we are going to offer them a great experience with our product, service, website or brand.  

Here are some tried and true signs that it is time to get a new website:

Your website is old or no longer aligns with your brand 

If your website looks old (or IS old, meaning more than three-years old) it may be time for an update. You also want to make sure the content on your site aligns with any branding changes you have had. Most business owners understand keeping their logo up-to-date on their site, but things like voice and messaging also need to be tweaked to ensure they are the same across all platforms.  

Your website has a confusing user experience 

If the navigation on your website is no longer serving your customers, it is definitely time for an update. User experience is everything, so making it both functional and visually pleasing will only help your brand to retain those loyal customers and attract new ones. Out with the slow loading pages and in with the more timely, clean and functional navigation! 

Your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices 

A large chunk of your customers will come to your site via mobile device, so if your website was created mainly for desktop being the main point of entry, it’s time to revamp. Why? Because not all websites  automatically convert from desktop to user-friendly mobile and if your customer is having a difficult user experience on your site, you can bet they probably won’t purchase from you.  

You aren’t nailing it in the inbound marketing department 

What meets customers when they log on to your website? Is it simply informational? If so, it is time to update your content and create an experience they will enjoy when interacting with your brand. Inbound marketing simply refers to making sure consumers who flock to your website will be met with engaging, educational content that will lead them to a purchasing decision.  

You have a high bounce rate 

We’ve saved the most important marker for last. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who visit your site only once and then leave (quickly). Whether they were turned away by something or didn’t find it appealing or easy to use, we don’t know. What we do know, however, is that you can’t make customers out of single-page visitors. It is important to know your bounce rate and act swiftly if you see it creeping into the 70-90% range consistently.  

Want to take your website from zero to hero? Chat with us to find out more about what we offer or check out our Entrepreneurial Pathway Program for a full list of package options, priced just for business owners.  

Two Words: User Experience

When your customers land on your website’s home page, what awaits them? With any luck (and a whole bunch of research and design expertise), they will be pleasantly surprised to find something both visually pleasing and easy to navigate. User experience is everything when it comes to building a website … but many times we forget the who, what, why and how of website design.  

Design your website for a supremely satisfying user experience 

Not every single company who claims website design and development expertise actually understands designing something specific to your target market. It may be up to you to keep everyone moving in the same direction. Whether you use someone in-house or outsource your website building and design, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to offer a great user experience: 

Avoid clutter 

Who doesn’t love the old K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) strategy? It is good for everything from website design to vacationing with children. Clutter and complexity are not what your target market wants to stumble upon when they head to your website. Instead, make sure the visual presentation looks balanced and clear. This doesn’t mean everyone needs to adopt a minimalistic approach, but keeping things simple and straightforward will make customers more likely to peruse your site.  

Design for mobile first 

Some web designers get the heady idea that their beautiful site will be viewed on a large desktop screen. However, more than 50 percent  of web visits occur on mobile devices, with that number steadily rising. Make sure your website is optimized for viewing (and USING) on those handy computers we carry in our pockets. Your customers are much more likely to purchase your product or service if they can do it easily from their phone instead of waiting until they reach their desktop or laptop.  

Encourage scrolling 

As your site becomes a reality, it is important to make sure you offer the chance for consumers to scroll. Needing to click from page to page and product to product is difficult for users and increases loading times. That doesn’t mean you should give everything up on the landing page and forget about the rest of the site, though. Just give them tidbits of information in a format that is easier to scroll through (especially on mobile) so they can spend more leisurely time exploring your brand. Check out the site we built for our client, Martin Overhead Doors, for a great example of offering enough info on the first page that consumers will only need to click through a few times before knowing what they want. 

Be intentional with your visuals

As a strategic marketing firm, it is painful to see websites that do NOT align with the brand’s vision and voice. Make sure you have a solid understanding of the image you want to portray to your customers. That means being intentional about all visuals and images (even stock photos) that you stick onto your site. The more consistent everything is, the better the user experience and the more trustworthy your brand will be.  

Building a website is complicated. We could write many more blogs about the trimmings and trappings of getting it up and running. If you feel overwhelmed even thinking about it, check out our Entrepreneurial Pathway Program for more information on website development options we offer. Whether you just need someone to help with finishing touches or you need it built from the ground up, we are here to ensure your customers get that great user experience that will bring them back time and time again.