We use goal setting in business and in life to help guide us toward accomplishing all that our little heart’s desire. By being intentional about our goals, we give them even more power to lead the way. What you focus on matters and hitching your wagon to something S.M.A.R.T. will bring you even more prosperity and success in 2025!   

How are you at goal setting? 

Do you feel like you are swimming in a sea of possibilities, and you just can’t figure out which way to go? Setting goals will help you focus your energy on one or a few things instead of letting it leak out all over the place. And, as an entrepreneur, your energy is a precious resource that you don’t want to waste.  

But setting goals can also feel insurmountable, which is why we are here to help you! Outsourcing your marketing means not only getting shiny new logos or driving your target market to your website. It also (and perhaps more importantly) means getting help settling on those measurable objectives that you want to put into action. In other words, we are here to (gently and kindly) keep you focused.  

We will help you get S.M.A.R.T. 

SMART goal setting was a concept outlined by George Doran in 1981. He knew that goals needed to be intentional and articulated well for them to work. We agree whole heartedly with this thinking and have found on our journey with many clients that when people put their goals to work for them, they can accomplish anything. Here is everything you need to know about setting SMART goals: 

Make it Specific 

Don’t be vague. Figure out exactly what you want and speak it out loud. This will be your North Star when things slide off track (as they ALWAYS do). If you have an excellent team behind you, being specific will also help you to communicate with them about the WHY behind your plan. With everyone on the same page, you will be off to a great start! 

Make is Measurable 

How will you know you have been successful if there is no measuring stick? In this step, define what success looks like with your specific goal in mind. Use words like increase, decrease or maintain. You can also use percentages and numbers, especially if you are talking about customers or profits.  

Make it Achievable 

There is a sweet spot in goal setting, where you are challenging yourself and your team but also within reason. Putting something too high out of reach makes it easy to give up. But just beyond the fingertips? That will leave you trying your best to get it in your grasp. Get out the record books on this one and find out what your business history looks like and what is attainable.  

Make it  Relevant 

Your goal needs to be worthwhile and, perhaps more importantly, it needs to feel relevant to YOU and your team. Ask yourself what the outcome will be once you accomplish your goal and if the answer is something that feel relevant, then go for it! 

Make it Timely 

Every good goal has a beginning and an end. Make sure you have an end date in mind so that you are more likely to work toward making it happen. Quarterly goals are a great place to start! 

Goals are important, but the way you go about it matters. Make sure to use this SMART formula as you dive into your 2025 planning!  

Need more help figuring out which goals make the most sense for your business growth? We offer strategic marketing services that are individualized for each client. If you need help setting your measurable objectives and goals, connect with us!  

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