We are coming to the end of Q3 now, and we want to know: What is the data telling you? Have you assessed how things are going so far? Do you have your sights set on a successful 2025? Does even thinking about this give you hives? If so, bear with us (and remember that we are here if you need us).  

Quality data matters in your overall strategic plan 

Here at P&A, we have always been fans of monthly reports. And it isn’t only for the sake of showing our clients that strategic marketing WORKS. We also love reports because they can help our clients track their progress to make sure they are hitting their business goals and continuing to engage with their target market. 

What does quality data look like? 

You can’t rely on guesswork anymore. In today’s world you must embrace the power of quality data. Here are some tips and practices for keeping your data high quality and useable for the future of your business: 

  1. Know what data is relevant to you. To do this, you will need to know your business goals and what metrics you are most interested in following.  
  2. Centralize your marketing data and use an online tool or software if necessary to make it easier for your team. 
  3. Make it consistent by standardizing your data.  
  4. Continuously monitor your data so you can pivot and make changes in real time. 
  5. Regularly spot check your data or assign a team member to do so. This will help defend against one of the enemies of quality data: human error. 
  6. Keep management in check with standardized practices that are understood across your whole team.  

Make it a weekly or monthly habit to gather and measure data 

Procrastination doesn’t pay, and that remains true with data gathering. Make a date with your data, gather it weekly or monthly and make sure that your business is staying on track. One reason why we stress this with our clients is because it makes everything you do more effective. If you keep your eye on the numbers (and the prize at the end) you will be able to align your strategic plan over and over as the year progresses.  

Does all of this talk about research and data gathering leave your head spinning? As a strategic marketing firm, we love data. In fact, it is one of the best ways to tell if we are hitting the nail on the head when we are working with clients. We use measurable results to show our clients their ROI and lead them in a more intentional brand-building strategy.  

Want us to help you measure up? Contact us today to learn about our services, Entrepreneurial Pathway Program and more!  

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